Time: Tuesday 5th of March 2024 10am-12pm
Place: Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, Workshop, Lemminkäisenkatu 12 B, Turku
Registration: Smart City Digital Twin
Event language: English

10:00 Welcome
Tero Villman, Development Manager, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku

10:05 Managing complexity in cities with predictive digital twins
Bart Vuijik, Senior Business Developer
TNO Innovation for life, Netherlands

Cities experience that the complexity of decision making is increasing, leading to inefficient policy making. With an interactive predictive digital twin, cities are able to run a large number of scenario’s in real-time and allow them to assess the effects over multiple domains. The city of Amsterdam, with technical support and expertise by and TNO (the applied R&D organization of The Netherlands) has deployed a predictive twin with remarkable results.
10:25 Exploring Smart City Digital Twins
Dr Jari Kaivo-oja, Research Director, Adjunct Professor
Tolga Karayel, Project Researcher
Laura Pouru-Mikkola, Development Manager
Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku

The integration of Smart City and Digital Twin development is a promising direction for the futures of urban development. In this session, we present the findings of the Smart City Digital Twins mapping study exploring the scientific literature, survey data and participatory futures workshops conducted in Poland, Vilnius, and Finland. We elaborate current solutions, near future needs and visions, and discuss both the key challenges and opportunities in the context of smart city digital twins.
11:10 A way forwards for city digital twins
Mark Enzer, Strategic Advisor at Mott MacDonald and Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London

It’s time that we saw the built environment differently: not as a series of construction projects, but as a system of systems whose explicit purpose is to enable people and nature to flourish together for generations. Mark will briefly explore the connection between outcomes, systems and interventions and look forwards to the role of ecosystems of connected digital twins and other cyber-physical infrastructure in improving environmental, social and economic outcomes.
11:30 Panel discussion – From Challenges and Opportunities to Real World Implementation and Impacts
Moderator Tero Villman, Development Manager, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
11:50 Final Thought – How to build from the Smart City Digital Twin project?
Dr Jari Kaivo-Oja, Research Director, Adjunct Professor
Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
12:00 Ending of Smart City Digital Twins project final seminar
Lunch break (at own cost)
13:00 Tulevaisuuden kaupunki – The Future City
Kupittaan kärkihankkeen workshop
Please note that attendance requires a registration: Tulevaisuuden kaupunki – The Future City (lyyti.fi)
More information
Smart City Digital Twin
Michael Lindholm, Business Turku Ltd, +358 40 502 0089, michael.lindholm@businessturku.fi